Puzzle & Room-Escapes

Here's all of the puzzle & room-escapes that we offer at Digital Worlds VR. Not all room-escapes are the same. Some are simple puzzles inside of a single room, others span multiple rooms and will seriously push your brain to its limits. Some have a fun sci-fi theme to them and others might be a little on the spooky side. Be sure to click on the game's icon to find out more info and watch trailers.


Estimated Escape Time = 28 Rooms, Each Around 10-15 mins

Estimated Escape Time = 25 mins

A Fishermans Tale.jpg

Estimated Escape Time = 60+ mins

Dungeon Escape VR.jpg

Estimated Escape Time = 20 mins Easy Mode (30 mins HARD mode)

I Expect You To Die.jpg

Estimated Escape Time = 7 Levels, Each Around 20-30 mins

Shattered Lights.jpg

Estimated Escape Time = 20 mins

Estimated Escape Time = 20 mins

Puzzle Games