A Single VR station is a 100 square foot area with a single VR headset, a powerful gaming PC, and a 55” TV to watch what players are seeing while in VR. There is only a single VR headset at each station, so only one person at that station will be in VR at any time. Stations are done by the block of time, not the amount of time. For example; if you book a 3:30-4:30 session, if you arrive late and don’t start until 3:40, then it will still end at 4:30 and not at 4:40. If no session is booked after you, then of course we will adjust the end time as much as we can but we have to be considerate of others who have booked and we don’t want to create a snowball effect that effects all other reservations later that day.

If you want to participate in any of our many multi-player games, then you will need to get multiple stations. One person per station unless you have booked a party.

We at DWVR do not charge per game, so try out as many of the 80ish experiences as you want to. We can always suggest games when you arrive, we don’t expect you to know then all.

I hope that this clears things up for you but if you still have questions about how it all works, I know it’s new for most people, then feel free to contact us at 615-538-7514. If you’re ready to book a VR station or more with us, then call that same number or click HERE to book online.